Key combinations

Key Action
Home Move the cursor to the line beginning
End Move the cursor to the line end
Left Move the cursor left
Right Move the cursor right
Up Move the cursor up
Down Move the cursor down
Ctrl-Right Move the cursor to the next symbol
Ctrl-Left Move the cursor to the previous symbol
Ctrl-Space Move the cursor to the parental symbol
PageUp Scroll one screen up
PageDown Scroll one screen down
Ctrl-Home Move the cursor to the document beginning
Ctrl-End Move the cursor to the document end
Shift-Right Select right
Shift-Left Select left
Shift-Up Select the parental symbol or the upper line
Shift-Down Select the parental symbol or the lower line
Ctrl-J Display the suggest window
Ctrl-Ins Copy
Shift-Ins Paste
Shift-Del Delete
Ctrl-A Select the whole document
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Delete Delete a symbol or selected symbols
Backspace Delete a symbol or selected symbol on the left
Enter New formula
Space String division
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
= Calculation
Ctrl-= Current node of selected nodes calculation
( Opening parenthesis
) Closing parenthesis
[ Opening bracket
] Closing bracket
! Factorial
: Variable or function declaration
~ Unit declaration
Shift-6 Exponentiation and angular measure declaration
Shift-3 Logarithm base or scale of notation declaration
\ Square root
/ Nth root
Ctrl-+ Sum
Ctrl-* Product